About Bunny

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My Obsession, My Love, My Escape: www.withlovebunny.etsy.com

Friday, March 18, 2011

Just Give Up?

Sometime I wonder....Should I just give up. Does anyone read these blogs I publish? Does anyone care? The response...no, you have zero! Ok, I guess I should be labeling my purses things after celebrity trash such as "Paris Hilton's Sex Tape Handbag" and "Charlie Sheen Coke Holder Handbag" if I want any sort of attention.

Now THAT seems like a step towards completely selling out!

But, the sad (and dreamy) fact is, I enjoy making these purses whether I get noticed, complimented, or even sell them. All of the above would be great though! So until I start designing boring, run of the mill, artsy-crafty garbage, I am sure I can settle with barely making it even into the running of calling myself a designer, let alone, an online entrepreneur. People love that cliche' crap and I am dying to know why.

Someone inform me.

Meanwhile, today I will possibly forget what I have published and go back into my dream world of fabric, design, and creativity and never come back up for air (and reality) again.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rockin' "The GaGa" Mini-Purses!

High-spirited fans always go all-out for concert venues in Chicago. Whether it's Britney, Christina, or Lady GaGa, WLB Handbags are sure to be spotted by some fans!
On Feb. 28, 2011, three major fans sported some WLB items. Jen has a crazy outfit and is showing tribute to Lady GaGa during her Virgin Mobile Official Photoshoot. Lindsay has on head-to-toe the "Bad Romance" white bear skin rug outfit and is rockin' the WLB "Bad Romance" bag. Patrick, the ringleader of this GaGa Group, is sporting the insane white wearable art looped-piece around his waist. I never saw his outfit before this picture, so I think it's awesome that we're thinking the same way!

Check out the other "Inspired" Music purses created by With Love, Bunny Handbags @: